Comprehensive Submission Guidelines for Authors
Eurasian Journal of Business and Sustainability (EAJBS)
1. Scope and Aim
The Eurasian Journal of Business and Sustainability (EAJBS) aims to publish high-quality, peer-reviewed research on business, economics, finance, and entrepreneurship, particularly in Eurasia. EAJBS invites submissions that explore theoretical, empirical, and practical issues impacting business and entrepreneurship in emerging markets, sustainable practices, and economic policy relevant to the Eurasian region and beyond.
  • Primary Areas of Interest
    • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
    • Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) Development
    • International Business and Trade
    • Strategic Management
    • Marketing and Consumer Behavior
    • Finance and Investment
    • Human Capital Development
    • Technology and Digital Transformation
    • Sustainability and Green Business Practices
    • Public Policy and Economic Development
    • Corporate Governance and Ethics
    • Behavioral Economics
    • Operations and Supply Chain Management
    • Education in Business and Entrepreneurship
    • Digital Entrepreneurship and E-Business Models
2. Submission Process
Format and Language
Language: Manuscripts should be written in clear, academic English.
File Format: Manuscripts should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx). LaTeX submissions are also accepted if accompanied by a PDF for reference.
Manuscript Length
Word Limit: Submissions should typically be 6,000-8,000 words, including references, tables, and figures.
Structure and Content
Each manuscript should include:
Title Page: Article title, full list of authors, affiliations, corresponding author contact details, and acknowledgments (if any).
Abstract and Keywords: A concise, unstructured abstract of up to 200 words, along with 4-6 relevant keywords.
Main Text: Recommended sections include Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
References: Formatted in APA or Harvard style, ensuring all in-text citations correspond with the reference list.
Anonymized Submission
For double-anonymized peer review, authors should remove identifying information from the manuscript and include these on a separate title page.
  • 3. Publication Policies
    3.1. Ethics and Disclosure
    EAJBS upholds COPE guidelines on ethical publication practices. Authors should disclose any conflicts of interest, funding sources, and ethical approvals from relevant bodies. EAJBS does not accept previously published work or simultaneous submissions.
    3.2. Open Access and Fees
    The journal offers an open-access option through the EAJBS Choice Program. Articles can be published under open access for a set fee, though standard submissions incur no processing or publication fees.
    3.3. Authorship and Contributions
    All listed authors should meet authorship criteria. Contributions must be detailed in a separate “Author Contributions” section.
  • 4. Figures, Tables, and Supplementary Material
    4.1. Figures and Artwork
    Submit high-resolution images, graphs, and charts as separate files in JPEG, PNG, or TIFF format. Ensure each is clearly labeled.
    4.2. Supplementary Material
    Supplementary files (e.g., datasets, additional figures) may be submitted to enhance the manuscript’s value. Accepted formats include PDF, CSV, and other standard file types.
  • 5.References and Citations
    • Style: EAJBS follows APA reference style for all in-text citations and reference lists. Ensure that all references are accurate and up-to-date.
    • Reference Management: EndNote or similar software may be used for ease of formatting.
6. Submission and Review Process
Initial Screening
Submissions undergo an initial editorial review to ensure relevance and quality. Non-compliant manuscripts may be returned.
Peer Review
Manuscripts that pass the initial review are sent for double-anonymized peer review. The process typically takes 4-6 weeks.
Revisions and Acceptance
Accepted papers may require revisions. Authors are expected to resubmit revised manuscripts promptly. Final acceptance is subject to satisfactory revision and editorial approval.
7. Ethical Statements and Disclosures
Upon acceptance, manuscripts are processed for publication, with authors receiving proofs for review prior to online release. EAJBS publishes articles online to ensure rapid dissemination.
  • 8. Ethical Statements and Disclosures
    Each manuscript should include, as applicable:
    • Ethics Approval: State approvals from ethics committees for research involving human or animal subjects.
    • Conflict of Interest: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
    • Funding Statement: Detail financial support for the research.
    • Data Availability: Include a statement about the availability of data used in the research.
  • 9.Submission Process
    Original Work Confirmation: Authors must verify that their manuscript is original, that they have the rights to the work, and that it has not been submitted or published elsewhere. The journal encourages clarity on this to maintain ethical publication practices.
    Preprints: The journal does not accept manuscripts that have been posted on preprint servers, which aligns with many academic journals’ policies to ensure that submissions are original.
  • 9.1 Submission Site
    Manuscripts are to be submitted via the journal's online system. Authors should confirm whether they have an existing account, especially if they have previously reviewed or authored for the journal.
  • 9.2 Manuscript Preparation
    • Author Consent: All authors must consent to the submission, ensuring that the manuscript reflects collective contributions accurately.
    • Required Documents:
    • Cover Letter: This should briefly explain the significance of the manuscript and its suitability for publication.
    • Title Page: Should include all identifying information but will not be shared with peer reviewers to maintain anonymity.
    • Main Manuscript: Needs to be formatted according to specific journal guidelines, including anonymization.
    • Figures and Images: Must be numbered and submitted in appropriate resolution (300dpi). The journal provides specific guidelines for preparing images and figures.
    • Supplemental Material: Authors can include additional materials such as datasets or multimedia, which should adhere to accepted file types outlined by the journal.
  • 10. Authorship Guidelines
    Authorship Criteria: The journal outlines specific criteria for authorship, ensuring that all listed authors have made significant contributions and have agreed to the submission. It's important to note that AI tools, such as ChatGPT, should not be credited as authors, reinforcing the journal’s commitment to proper authorship practices.
  • 11. Additional Information Required for Submission
    • ORCID IDs: Authors are encouraged to register for ORCID IDs to enhance the visibility of their research. All co-authors should link their ORCID IDs in the submission system before acceptance.
    • Author Information: A complete list of authors with their affiliations should be provided, and all authors must meet the criteria for authorship and give consent for submission in the current form.
  • 12. Peer Review Process
    • The journal implements a double-anonymized peer review system, meaning that neither the authors nor the reviewers are aware of each other's identities. This approach is designed to ensure impartiality and minimize bias in the review process.
    • Initial Evaluation: Manuscripts undergo an initial review to ensure they meet submission guidelines. Those that do not conform can be desk rejected without peer review.
    • Final Review and Decision: After passing the initial evaluation, the manuscript is assigned for peer review, and the authors can track its status throughout the review process.
  • 13. Post-Acceptance
    • Publishing Agreement: Authors must sign a Contributor’s Publishing Agreement that grants the journal the exclusive right to publish the work while retaining copyright.
    • Production Process: Authors will receive proofs for final review before publication. This stage is crucial for correcting author information and ensuring accuracy.
  • 14. Publication and Promotion
    • Online First Publication: The journal offers Online First publication to make articles available as soon as they are ready, which can help reduce lead times.
    • Promotion: Authors are encouraged to actively promote their published articles to enhance visibility and engagement with their research. Resources and strategies for promoting articles can be found on the journal’s website.
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